The Cyprus Association of Individuals with Clefts & Craniofacial Anomalies CHRYSALLIDA was founded in 2002 to defend the interests of children who are born with clefts and most importantly to actively support the parents psychologically and financially, throughout the treatment process.
Parents of these children, after the first announcement for the coming of a child with cleft or other craniofacial anomaly are shocked and feel lost. With the birth of the child and the first contact with the problem they need immediate significant support and guidance. They must be properly informed about the number of surgeries and the other treatments that they will face, the experts they should meet and the timetable to be followed. They themselves, but also their child, need moral, psychological and financial support to be well prepared for all stages of the treatment.
Our target is to grow CHRYSALLIDA’s family day by day and the support we offer to reach each family that needs it.
If you need any information about the treatment of clefts and other facial deformities, please contact + 357 25735050 or send us an e-mail at [email protected].
We will be next to you throughout the treatment.